Identical AMP Made Possible
Convert any site to AMP with Ampify's Development Platform. Enter a URL to get its AMP version:
AMP Development Platform
Ampify's Development Platform is the most advanced solution for a fast and accurate HTML to AMP conversion and deployment.
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Convert Static Design
Ampify's conversion algorithm automagically creates a pixel perfect AMP version of every page
Convert Dynamic Elements
Complex dynamic behaviors are easily recreated with jQuery commands, replacing cumbersome coding
Deploy to your Site
Ampify is SaaS based - minimal to no source code integration is needed.
Pixel Perfect AMP conversion
Ampify's conversion algorithm is the most robust in existence. Hence, it creates a pixel-perfect Accelerated-Moblie-Page version of almost any site at a click of a button.
export default () => {
$('#menu-btn').on('click', (e) => {
$('#menu').toggleClass('active'); });
.cookie_notice{display:none !important}
return { cssIgnore: $.cssIgnore() };