Converting... This can take up to a minute.​
Step 1: Conversion of Static Design (whoops)

Something went wrong with this conversion. It can be fixed but if you want to get a better impression of the converter, you can try a different page (enter a new URL in the field to the left).

AMP Conversion Complete (Success)

The page to the left is an identical, stripped-down, AMP version of the requested page.

To get a fully functioning version, click Contact Us.

This is a static demo. Dynamic elements are excluded from it. Likewise, any popups and/or overlay may show up as static (i.e. it seems you can’t close them). 

The purpose of this demo is to illustrate the level of accuracy to which Ampify will build your AMP site. Contact us to get a quote for a fully functioning AMP site. 


Step 1: Conversion of Static Design (done)

The first step of the conversion involves conversion of the static assets in the HTML page to an identical and valid AMP version. 

This step is automated. There are known discrepancies that are manually adjusted in the next step of the conversion:

  • A pop up, overlay or sticky element might cover a part or all of the page.
  • Some images might not show up.
  • Some images or texts elements might be distorted.

You think it’s more serious than that? Let us know
To get a better sense of the conversion, you can convert a different page or site.

Step 2: Design Adjustments & Conversion of Dynamic Elements
Step 2: Design Adjustments & Conversion of Dynamic elements

Ampify’s service enables the conversion of the dynamic assets of any sites. From menus to dynamic product prices and analytics. The output is an AMP site which is identical to the source in both the design, and behavior.
Sign up for free to complete your AMP site and go live with it. Using our service you can:

Ampify’s devtool enables the conversion of the dynamic assets of any sites. From menus to dynamic product prices and analytics. The output is an AMP site which is identical to the source in both the design, and behavior. 
Sign up for free to complete your AMP site and go live with it. With the devtool you can:

Easily convert dynamic elements and behaviors to AMP. 

Adjust design of AMP elements to exactly match the source site.

Deploy your AMP site at a click of a button.


Ampify’s team will setup your AMP site. 

Step 3: Deploy AMP site with a single line of code

Request a Quote for an AMP site

Leave your details. We will get back to you shortly

Let us know of any issue in the conversion


Start for Free. Upgrade as you grow.
Free Ampify any site
  • Dev Platform Free Access
  • Ampify Browser Extension
  • Up to 300 webpages
  • Up to 2,000 monthly visitors


End to End AMP
from $ 98                          /month
  • Initial Setup
  • Multiple domains
  • Custom developer account
  • Limitless webpages/visitors
  • Professional Support

Sign up for AMP for Brilliant Directories

Select the plan based on the number of member profile pages in your site
All plans include a 30-day free trial. 



0-1,000 members

30 days free trial

Sign Up



1,000-10,000 members

30 days free trial



10,000-50,000 members

30 days free trial